118th Congress Introduces Stop Campus Hazing Act

The Stop Campus Hazing Act (S.2901H.R.5646) would improve hazing reporting and prevention on college campuses. This bipartisan, evidence-informed legislation is supported by national campus safety experts, national fraternity and sorority trade associations, and the parents of hazing victims. Read our blog to learn more, and find links to easily contact your representatives below:

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Support the Stop Campus Hazing Act
Contact your Senators and Representatives today and urge them to support the Stop Campus Hazing Act and help keep students safe! Click here to send your representatives an email. The form automatically sends to your local representatives and takes only a few minutes to fill out. If you represent an organization related in any way to college students, higher education, or campus safety, please complete this form to endorse the bill. 

The Stop Campus Hazing Act will:

Please reach out to us if you have any questions at [email protected]. 

Download the Stop Campus Hazing Act info sheet:

Stop Campus Hazing Act one-pager

What is hazing?

Students sitting on the steps of a building on a campus.

Hazing is any activity expected of someone joining or participating in a group that humiliates, degrades, abuses, or endangers them, regardless of a person’s willingness to participate.

There are three components that define hazing:

  1. It occurs in a group context
  2. Humiliating, degrading, or endangering behavior
  3. Happens regardless of an individual’s willingness to participate

Definition via: StopHazing Research Lab. (2020, December). Hazing: The Issue, StopHazing Consulting. https://www.stophazing.org/issue

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Clery Center’s Hazing Prevention & Education Resources

Created in partnership with StopHazing

 We Don't Haze Companion Guide cover image snippet 

Updated in 2022!

“We Don’t Haze” documentary film & supplemental resources

In this short film, families and victims of hazing testify to the true impact these so-called “traditions” have on campus communities. We take a deeper look at the causes and consequences of hazing and speak to leaders who have pledged to help end these practices.

We Don’t Haze helps identify hazing behaviors, and offers organization leaders alternative traditions that promote a safer, more positive team-building experience.

Updated in 2022, the We Don’t Haze Companion Guide provides you with the tools to educate yourself and your community about campus hazing and facilitate programming for students, staff, and faculty using We Don’t Haze.


Campus Commitment to Hazing Prevention: Action Guide

Hazing Commitment Action Guide Cover

In 2018, StopHazing and Clery Center released the Hazing Prevention Toolkit for Campus Professionals, which outlines the data-driven Hazing Prevention Framework© (HPF). 

The Campus Commitment to Hazing Prevention: Action Guide provides practical resources focused on one of the HPF components — commitment. Use the Action Guide to engage campus leaders and the broader campus community in eliminating campus hazing culture and transforming group environments to support healthy belonging and well-being for all students.


Get the Action Guide


Hazing Prevention Toolkit for Campus Professionals®

Hazing Prevention Toolkit coverCampus hazing can have far-reaching negative consequences for individual students, their families, student organizations, groups, and teams, and the broader campus community. Because hazing is a complex issue that reflects campus culture, there is no “one size fits all” solution. The purpose of this Hazing Prevention Toolkit for Campus Professionals is to describe components of a data-driven Hazing Prevention Framework (HPF)© based on key principles of prevention science and findings from a research-to-practice project, the Hazing Prevention Consortium (HPC) led by StopHazing™.

While effective responses to hazing are vital, this document emphasizes activities that prevent hazing before it begins. Designed with college and university senior leaders in mind—including Presidents, Provosts, Vice Presidents, Deans, Directors, and other executive and administrative leaders in academic and student affairs—this Toolkit includes action steps to help guide campus professionals in campus-wide, comprehensive hazing prevention.

Get the Toolkit

Usage Guidelines

As a national nonprofit, Clery Center strives to make many of its resources and programs free of cost and available to the public. If you would like to use or share any of these resources, please read our usage guidelines.