End Rape on Campus increases access to vital campus safety information with their new Campus Accountability Map and Tool

End Rape on Campus increases access to vital campus safety information with their new Campus Accountability Map and Tool

“I never knew the Clery Act existed,” is one of the things we hear most often from college students and their families. Clery Center has spent over 35 years working to improve campus safety and we know that Clery Act knowledge is not a universal reality among students and their loved ones. End Rape on Campus (EROC) has brought us one step closer to that ideal with their new Campus Accountability Map & Tool.  

Under the Clery Act, colleges and universities are required to publish an annual security report (ASR), which includes crime statistics, policies and procedures, rights and options, prevention efforts, and more. The ASR must be made available to current and prospective students and employees and the statistics within it must be submitted to the Department of Education each year. However, most people still don’t know that this information exists and for the average student, accessing and understanding an ASR can be challenging. 

EROC’s Campus Accountability Map & Tool (CAMT) compiles Clery Act required information including investigation procedures, prevention efforts, survivor resources, and statistics for dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking in a user-friendly interface while allowing viewers to compare metrics between schools. By increasing access to this important information, students and their families will be empowered to make informed decisions and institutions will be motivated to strengthen their commitment to supporting survivors. For advocates and campus safety professionals this tool also allows us the opportunity to easily identify trends and areas of improvement across campuses so we can support institutions in better preventing and responding to these crimes. 

Using the CAMT you can easily search by school, state, ZIP code, enrollment size, or if a Title IX investigation is ongoing. Once you select an institution, you are presented with a summary of their Clery data as well as their policies and approach to incidents of sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, and stalking. You can compare up to three institutions at once and see all of the data for each at a glance. EROC has also provided quick links to file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights, the AAU Campus Climate Survey, a list of Title IX coordinators with contact informationsurvivor resources, and more.

At the heart of the Clery Act has always been the belief that transparency is the key to creating change. We are so pleased to have this resource to share with students, families, and campus safety professionals, and hope it brings greater commitment to supporting survivors on college campuses.

In the news: College students have never had a roadmap for navigating sexual assault — until now

Related Free Resources from Clery Center:

End Rape On Campus' data is sourced from federal databases and college and university websites by a team of dedicated volunteers. The numerical statistics on the number of reported rapes, fondlings, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking incidents are disclosed by colleges and universities in 2018-2020 in compliance with the Clery Act. This data comes from the U.S. Department of Education’s Campus Safety and Security Data site. Since the CAMT is a crowdsourced tool, it is possible that there is an error or that the information needs to be updated. To bring EROC's attention to a potential effort, please submit via this Error Form

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