Join Us for National Campus Safety Awareness Month

Join Us for National Campus Safety Awareness Month

September is National Campus Safety Awareness Month (NCSAM) and everyone is thinking about campus safety – the media, parents, students, and especially the higher education professionals working to create healthy and safe campus environments each and every single day.

Although headlines can capture the best – and worst – of the field, there’s one thing the Clery Center knows to be true: people don’t function well in fear; individuals make the best decisions when they are informed, offered support, and are confident in their knowledge and skills.

Keeping this in mind, the Clery Center is continuing its practice of dedicating National Campus Safety Awareness Month in September to providing professional development resources and opportunities that can help practitioners move forward on their own campuses. Topics addressed will include policy development, program planning, and finding new and improved ways to connect with students.

By joining us in September you will receive:

  • Free virtual learning opportunities
  • Weekly e-mails that will connect you with guides and other resources you can use to engage your campus throughout the month

All participants will be able to access the information and resources both during September and throughout the remainder of the year.

Click here to join us.

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